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Prenatal Classes

I offer a customized 

Prenatal Preparation class, created  according to your individual needs. Topics include, Childbirth, coping strategies, hypnobirthing, Rebozo and positioning, the Postnatal Period, Breastfeeding Basics and Newborn Care.

Separately, for parents who already have children, I offer a short refresher course. All classes are presented either  online or in your own home.

Postnatal Support

The support you receive after your delivery, can make a big difference in your adjustment to parenthood. I provide postnatal support in the comfort of your home, offering a comprehensive care package for both you and your baby's well-being. This includes advice on feeding, infant care, sleeping, weighing your baby and ensuring that you are recovering from your delivery and adapting well to life with your newborn.

Infant Massage

As an International Certified Infant Massage Instructor, I will teach you how to massage your baby in the comfort of your own home. Massage offers numerous benefits from relaxation and sleep, to improved digestion and sensorial discovery for the baby. It is also designed to strengthen the bond between you and your baby. 

You will learn various techniques and strokes to effectively soothe your baby. Oils and booklets are provided, just have a soft blanket ready. 

Infant CPR

I am a CPR instructor, fully certified by the American Red Cross. I can come to your home and teach you or other caregivers Infant Basic Life Support (BLS). This includes First Aid for Infants as well as Sleeping Environment Safety Advice. At the end you will receive a Certificate of Attendance (not an accreditation). 


Adult and Child CPR is not included.  

Lactation Consultation
Online Resources

Being an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant I am always up to date with the most recent research and developments in breastfeeding.  We can have a consultation in the comfort of your own home, giving you tips, tricks, advice and all the necessary tools you need to get your breastfeeding journey off to a great start. I can also offer an online consultation if you prefer, with follow up visits as required. 

I am pleased to offer a variety of online resources on the topics of pregnancy, breastfeeding, car seat installation and many more. These resources are wholesome, comprehensive, always up to date and available to you anytime, anywhere. Should you have any questions, I am happy to discuss them with you, or prepare a customized info package for you.



Car Seat Installation
T.E.N.S machine rental

Transporting your newborn in a car seat while in a vehicle is mandatory by law. 

As a Certified Technician with the National Child Passenger Safety Board, I will teach you how to correctly install your car seat (US or European) in the vehicle, as well as give you advice when purchasing a car seat. I can also do a personalized installation checkup of your already installed car seat.


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a drug free form of pain relief often used by women in labour. It stimulates the release of your body’s own natural painkillers by using a small electrical impulse delivered from a little hand held device. It can be particularly effective in the early stages of labour. The rental duration is 6 weeks, and the device comes complete with spare batteries and accessories. 

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